Mater Christi Catholic Primary School, in the name of Mary, Mother of Christ, gives witness to the love of Jesus Christ, through embracing the school motto ‘Charity in our Hearts.’ We nurture each child as a precious and sacred gift from God, created as an individual, with their own unique gifts and talents.
We recognise that since birth, children have already been learning through connections and relationships with home and community. They bring with them a broad range of understandings, experiences, attitudes, values and capabilities. We believe educators in partnership with families and the community, assist in children’s growing knowledge, their positive sense of self identity, and their ability to connect and contribute to their world.
At Mater Christi, we provide holistic learning experiences that reflect good early childhood principles and practices. We respect student diversity and work to support the individual needs of each child to foster their spiritual, physical, cognitive, linguistic, creative, social and emotional development.
Through intentional teaching, we implement a combination of innovative play based, hands on, and inquiry learning experience which complement the Western Australia Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework. We are deliberate and critically reflective in planning, documenting and evaluating children’s progress, ensuring that we scaffold the learning to support individual development.
We endeavour to provide a stimulating and nurturing environment which encourages our students to learn and develop a sense of agency, with a willingness to take risks. The environment is carefully planned to engage children in creative and deep thinking experiences, that immerse them in discovering the joy and wonder of the world around them.
Pre Kindy
Pre Kindy is an educational program for children aged three years which operates on a Tuesday.
At Mater Christi, our Kindy program is available for children who turn four years of age prior to 1 July in the year they are due to commence Kindy. Children attend school five days per fortnight.
Pre Primary
Pre Primary is the beginning of full time schooling in Western Australia.